Detox Your Life for a Better Life!

Jelske has developed a course that will help you start detoxing your life.

This basic online course has been developed to help you become more aware of how you can live a healthier and a more toxin free life and to get started on achieving and maintaining better health.

It has been specially developed to support the EES sessions, but can also be followed without the sessions.

Detox Your Life!

Would you like to live more toxin-free?   


Less toxines in your body, home and environment?

Then this online course is for you!

Toxin-free living helps you stay healthier!

And you also help create a healthier and cleaner world.

We live in a toxic soup!

We are often unconsciously exposed to toxins and radiation all around us.

Toxins are everywhere.

In our water, food, air, cosmetics, detergents, furniture, clothing, medication, vaccinations and so on.

This is very harmful to our environment and can also can be harmful to our body and well-being.

In this course I teach you from my own experience to make basic conscious choices to live a more toxin-free life so that you can stay healthy for longer.

  • You will learn how this increases your well-being by making your living environment and body more toxic and radiation-free.
  • This allows you to deal more sustainably with your own body, the people around you and this world!
  • You will also learn the basics of emotionally detoxing
  • and you will get many more useful tips about detoxing.

After the course:

  • You are more aware of how you can make your life more toxic-free!
  • You know how dirty our drinkingwater is and how you can make it cleaner?
  • Can you consciously make choices for cleaner food, cosmetics and cleaning products.
  • You know how to basically makes your home radiation-free and poison-free.
  • You know where to start with emotional detoxing.
  • And you will know much more thanks to the extra tips.

Choose good health and start with yourself!

Forwho is this course for?

  • For everyone from young adulthood
  • If you would like to live a more toxin-free life
  • You would like to become more aware of the toxic soup we live in and you would like to change this.

You can start the online course right now and I see you there!

Warm Regards, Jelske

Do the course
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