A Summary Of Testimonials From The EESystem At Battersea Park Clinic London
In October 2023 I went for the 5th 2 hour session. Every session is different. I don't come specifically for a physical complaint, but I come to recharge and not have to do anything for 2 hours. I always go with an intention. Twice I received a deep emotional healing. This time before I came I had a lot of tension around my heart and a very busy head. After the session I felt wonderfully relaxed, softer, calm in my head, more positive, carefree and peaceful. I hadn't felt like this in a long time. Very nice. I felt more in my body again instead of my head. I still feel that softness and I also feel milder towards the world and people around me.
Jelske Talstra 16 unitsystem
Today I heard a great result from a customer. This one had a hb of 7, which was below the value for a man (should be 7.3) before entering the EESystem.
The day after the session I measured again and then it was hb 8.1. That's an increase in value of more than 1 point.
The special thing is that this customer is a doctor himself and mentions that it would not be scientifically possible for this value to go up more than 1 point in 1 day.
And yet it turns out to be possible, he says himself.
Mandy, owner Energie Enhancement Nijmegen 24 unitsystem
Nieuwe alinea
Disclaimer EESystem: Results may vary. The information you find on the website is for educational purposes only and is not intended to replace the advice of your doctor. Infinity does not provide medical advice, diagnoses, prescribe treatment or treat/prevent/cure diseases. The insights and nutritional advice you find on the website are in no way intended to be a replacement for conventional medical treatments. If you have a (serious) medical condition or health problem, always contact your doctor.