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A Summary Of Testimonials From The EESystem at Battersea Park Clinic London

What Jelske experienced after EES sessions

1. Feel more powerful

2. Less likely to be triggered, can leave more  with others

3. More energy

4. Pressure, stress out of my chest area

5. Don't dread things as much

6. More positive

7. Emotional detox, being able to let go of a lot 8. More space in my heart and feeling more loving

9. Teeth less sensitive

10. Better digestion

11. Less tired and overstimulated after shopping

12. Mentally more powerful

13. Usually deep relaxation after session, 1 very restless

14. PTS 90% less after thrombosis

15. Pain panic less

 16. Spot on arm gone

17. Sensitive thyroid gone after 1 session

In October 2023 I went for the 5th 2 hour session. Every session is different.

This time I did not come specifically for a physical complaint, but I come to recharge and not have to do anything for 2 hours.

I always go with an intention. Twice I received a deep emotional healing. This time before I came I had a lot of tension around my heart and a very busy head.

After the session I felt wonderfully relaxed, softer, calm in my head, more positive, carefree and peaceful. I hadn't felt like this in a long time. Very nice. I felt more in my body again instead of my head.

I still feel that softness and I also feel milder towards the world and people around me.

Jelske Talstra, 16 unitsystem Haren


Today I heard a great result from a customer. This one had a hb of 7, which was below the value for a man (should be 7.3) before entering the EESystem.

The day after the session I measured again and then it was hb 8.1. That's an increase in value of more than 1 point.

The special thing is that this customer is a doctor himself and mentions that it would not be scientifically possible for this value to go up more than 1 point in 1 day.


And yet it turns out to be possible, he says himself.

Mandy, owner Energie Enhancement Nijmegen 24 unitsystem

I wrote this to Alastair , he is the owner of the first EE center in the UK
-Alastair Jessel wow , blown away here . I never told you Alastair that before we went to your last event this year that I thought I would have to stop driving due to my eye sight . In our family there is a heredity eye disease . My brother and many cousins are registered blind .

We arrived at your center the day before the event and went in for a 2 hour session , there was a clock on the wall and I was 2 rows back from the back wall. I could not read the time due to not seeing the hands on the clock . When I woke up about 2 hours later , less than 2 hours In reality . I could see the time on the clock and I could see the smallest pointer , the second hand.

We spent another 3 over night sessions at the center during the event. When I got home I went to work on a building site . I could not read a car reg plate about 4 metres / 15 foot in front of me before

I was fitting a screw in a hinge and before this I could only do it by feeling that the screw driver was in the screw , I told no body not even my wife Diane Cawkwell . That day after the event in London I could see the screw head perfectly and read a car reg plate about 30 metres away across the street and I can only thank Dr Sandra and Alastair's systems.

Review: Brian Cawkwell Jan 17, 2025

24 unitssystem London

Batterseaparc Clinic

Source: Eesystem

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