Immerse yourself in beautiful music frequencies.
Certain music frequencies can have a healing effect. This both, physically, mentally and emotionally. This music can also have a positive influence on our spiritual, energy body.
I myself have been listening to healing frequency music for more than 7 years. And it helps me a lot.
It makes me calmer and peaceful, softer, lets emotions flow through, sometimes also soothes pain.
It brings me into balance or expression of things that were stuck. The sound bath afternoon/evening is all about being able to relax more, taking an intention with you that you would like to heal, accept, let go, surrender and be vulnerable. Jelske
" I thought your sound bath was superb, very healing and had the feeling that everything was touched and could be released." Irene "
I had trouble relaxing in the beginning. Until you said we could have thoughts. After that it was more relaxed for me. The music was beautiful." Danielle
Soundbath groupsessions will be held regularly in our center with the beautiful Solfeggio and Angels music.
For dates, see events.
Disclaimer Infinity and EESystem: Results may vary. The information you find on the website is for educational purposes only and is not intended to replace the advice of your doctor.
Infinity does not provide medical advice, diagnoses, prescribe treatment or treat/prevent/cure diseases. The insights and nutritional advice you find on the website are in no way intended to be a replacement for conventional medical treatments. If you have a (serious) medical condition or health problem, always contact your doctor.