Soundbath with with Jelske

Sometimes music is the only medicine our hearts and souls need.

Immerse yourself in beautiful music frequencies.

Certain music frequencies can have a healing effect. This both, physically, mentally and emotionally. This music can also have a positive influence on our spiritual, energy body.

I myself have been listening to healing frequency music for more than 7 years. And it helps me a lot.

It makes me calmer and peaceful, softer, lets emotions flow through, sometimes also soothes pain.

It brings me into balance or expression of things that were stuck. The sound bath afternoon/evening is all about being able to relax more, taking an intention with you that you would like to heal, accept, let go, surrender and be vulnerable. Jelske

" I thought your sound bath was superb, very healing and had the feeling that everything was touched and could be released." Irene "

I had trouble relaxing in the beginning. Until you said we could have thoughts. After that it was more relaxed for me. The music was beautiful." Danielle

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The sound bath meditation had a deeply relaxing effect on me. Not only on my muscles, it went much deeper. Also on my nervous system. It helped me to land in myself.                           I felt completely refreshed afterwards, I had more energy, but also more inner peace and space. I mainly felt closer to myself. Jelske guided the sound bath meditation for me in a pleasant and calm way.

She gave sufficient information and directions. Not too much and not too little, so that I didn't get too much in my head, but I did get clarity so that I could surrender to the meditation. Just right for me.  Michele

Solfeggio Frequencies a path to Healing

Soundbath groupsessions will be held regularly in our center with the beautiful Solfeggio and Angels music.

For dates, see events.

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