... to keep losing Your Self in certain situations and have the feeling that you can't get any further... that your emotions keep flying in all directions, feeling exhausted, burn-out and poor sleep... to repeatedly combat complaints such as headaches , cramps, diseases, muscle tension, lethargy, neck and back pain... to feel anxious, sad, lonely and/or gloomy.... to not be in touch with your body, your feelings and to be too much in your head.
…. to be more stable, happier and relaxed in your life.... that you have a sense of life and experience more energy to do things.... to gain more insight into Your Self and to become aware of what is going on. …. a feeling of relief and space.... to be able and dare to trust my feelings better... to come more into contact with your body and feelings.... get much more out of your life and experience more life energy.
This form of therapy covers the entire body from head to toe. The complaint is not only handled locally, because everything is connected. In this way, all blockages in your system are treated. Energy is always in motion and changes from moment to moment. A good balance between activity and rest in your life is therefore important.
Massage provides important valuable support to recovery and stability in the body and your energy system. As the body relaxes, your energy becomes more balanced and finds peace. This means healing, so that new life energy is released.
This holistic chakra massage is a combination of a relaxation massage and chakra massage. By combining these two techniques you really get the best of both worlds. The relaxation that occurs during the massage allows your energy to flow even better. A chakra massage focuses on the 7 main chakras, which are connected to different body parts and areas of life. By massaging these specific body parts, your chakras, your energy system, are cleansed, balanced and the energy flow is activated, allowing transformation to take place. This depends on the situation, your thoughts and your emotions, which are always in motion.
A holistic chakra massage has an impact down to the cell level:
By working with energy, your self-healing capacity is activated and stimulated. This gives your immunesystem a boost and gets your life energy flowing again.
You will feel much lighter, balanced and relaxed.
You will come to my practice for this massage. We first have a short conversation with where you stand at the moment. Where you run into. What your complaints are and what you would like different in your life. I support you in this through involvement and a secure, safe setting.
Energy determines whether you like the atmosphere in a room and whether you feel good about yourself. Energy is subtle, but it is decisive. Consciously or unconsciously. This is a warm, open and accessible massage session. I deliver exactly what you need and that is really custom-made. After our conversation, I invite you to lie down on the treatment table for the massage.
While you lie on your stomach on the massage table in your underwear under a towel during the massage, I will first massage the specific body parts with a heated natural oil and a supporting essential oil. During the massage I will massage various pressure points that are connected to the relevant organs. When the whole body is completely relaxed, you can lie on your back under a towel. During the chakra massage I work with the energy system, making the chakras more balanced. This stimulates and activates the cleansing even more, so that transformation can take place.
Disclaimer Infinity and EESystem: Results may vary. The information you find on the website is for educational purposes only and is not intended to replace the advice of your doctor.
Infinity does not provide medical advice, diagnoses, prescribe treatment or treat/prevent/cure diseases. The insights and nutritional advice you find on the website are in no way intended to be a replacement for conventional medical treatments. If you have a (serious) medical condition or health problem, always contact your doctor.