Connecting Consciousness

 Helping Humanity is our overriding goal

Spiritual and Voluntary Organization

What is CC

Infinity is a humanitarian project that is a part

Connecting Consciousness.

This is a grass roots organization joined by people worldwide who realize that development on this planet is not always to the benefit of humanity, that world events are also embedded in other contexts than they are generally imagined, and that the forces that operate behind the visible level often have more dimensions than are superficially visible.

“Listen from the Heart.
Respect One Another.
Speak Your Truth.”

In CC we share spiritual values, the desire to see this planet with all its creatures and beyond in freedom, peace and health by playing an active role, connected by a unifying consciousness and the effort to awaken and raise consciousness, to provide as much light and high frequency as possible. All this at any stage.

  •     undogmatic
  •     spiritually nourishing
  •     mentally inspiring
  •     emotionally supportive

Recognizing that current structures are not necessarily responsive to people or the planet, Connecting Consciousness strives to solve global challenges through physical and mental development, education and governance.


Connecting Consciousness aims to support people on their awakening journey to the world around them, to develop their understanding of who they are and their true position in the world, and thus to positively advance humanity and all life.

Service to others rather than service to self as one of the fundamental values.

How do we want to do this?

Through three interconnected objectives:


Through local, national and international spiritual groups.

Share knowledge

Through education, research and debate; to bring the truth to light, to increase awareness, and to inform people.

Share voices

Changing government policies and attitudes, influencing government. Encouraging questions that strengthen the debate, leading to the determination of the truth.


If you feel you want to play an ACTIVE role in helping humanity, please complete the registration form.

Membership of CC is FREE!

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